Criminology in the face of flows : reflections on contemporary policing and security

Numéro spécial - Global Crime

Amicelle, A., Côté-Boucher, K., Dupont, B., Mulone, M., Shearing, C. and Tanner, S. (2017). Criminology in the face of flows :  reflections on contemporary policing and security. Numéro special, Vol. 18, Global Crimewww  

Visit Benoît Dupont's page.
Visit Massimiliano Mulone's page.
Visit Samuel Tanner's page.

Amicelle, A., Côté-Boucher, K., Dupont, B., Mulone, M., Shearing, C. & Tanner, S. (under the direction of, 2017). Criminology in the face of flows : reflections on contemporary policing and security. Global Crime, 18.


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