This book provides the first systematic overview of the theoretical, empirical, clinical, and police issues related to sexual murderers and murder. Bringing together leading researchers, theoreticians, and practitioners from across eight different countries, this is a truly international collaboration and an essential reference text for students, researchers, and professionals interested in sexual homicide, as well as an exhaustive source of guidelines for the assessment and treatment of sexual murderers.
This book is divided into five parts:
Offering a broad and comprehensive approach, this Handbook is an indispensable source of information on theory, research, clinical assessment, treatment, and police issues related to sexual murderers and murder.
Visit Jonathan James's page.Proulx, J., Carter, A., Mokros, A., Beauregard, E., Darjee, R. & James., J. (2018). Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Homicide Studies. Routledge.
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