Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Victim Participation in Justice

International Perspectives

The book employs Therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ) principles to examine how various countries approach victim participation in criminal justice proceedings. The contributions in the book are revised papers that were presented in an international conference, supported by a grant from the Transcoop Programme of the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation, in Onati, Spain, to study the potential impact of TJ approaches for victims. The Onati conference broke important ground by addressing victim welfare and well-being during, and as a result of, participation in proceedings. It brought scholars from several countries together to share their ideas, with interdisciplinary and international input. The collection that resulted from the conference allows for the sharing of these ideas with a wider audience, in the fields of law, legal studies, sociology, psychology and criminology/victimology. The contributors are well recognized researchers in their respective countries and the collection as a whole provides yet another critical and empirical research contributions from a TJ perspective.

Visit Jo-Anne Wemmers's page.

Erez, E., Kilchling, M., & Wemmers, J.-A. (2011). Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Victim Participation in Justice. International Perspectives. Carolina Academic Press.


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