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Denault, V. et Bozin, D.. The influence of “body language” on the assessment of witness credibility in australian written court judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. |'analyse_de_la_communication_non_verbale_Les_dangers_de_la_pseudoscience_en_contextes_de_securite_et_de_justice |
Denault, V. et Talwar, V. (2024). The use of demeanor to assess the credibility of child victims in sexual interference trials. Child Abuse Review. Advance online publication. |
Schaufelbühl S, Florquin N, Werner D, Delémont O. The emergence of 3D-printed firearms: An analysis of media and law enforcement reports. Forensic Science International: Synergy, 2024; 8: 100464. |
Lebeau, A. et Denault, V.. La confiance, émotion et communication non verbale en médiation, le virtuel est-il à la hauteur? Revue de droit de l’Université de Sherbrooke. |
Delmas, H., Denault, V., Burgoon, J. K., et Dunbar N. (2024). A review of automatic lie detection through facial features. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. Advance online publication. |
Mänttäri-van der Kuip, M., Brend, D. M., & Herttalampi, M. (2024). The Moral Distress Instrument (MDI): Development, Validation and Associations with Burnout among Finnish Social Workers. Ethics and Social Welfare, 1-21. |
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