Research at the CiCC

The CICC program brings together traditional criminology with "new criminologies." The program is organized into four axes in two ways:

  1. From traditional to more recent concerns of scientific research (e.g., from research on assessing delinquency risks to research on cybercrime);

  2. Along a continuum of micro-macro analysis (the offender and the victim → institutional social control agencies → community and network perspectives → state issues → the digital society).

Each axis is divided into distinct research sub-themes.

Axis 1, Trajectories and Interventions, addresses issues that have been at the core of the CICC's evolution since its establishment in 1969 and remain current concerns (1. Trajectories of adjudicated individuals and victims of criminal acts and 2. Formal or informal interventions).

Axis 2, Police and Judicial Responses, is also a traditional theme of the CICC with its focus on the array of social reactions within the field of criminology (1. Police and forensic science; 2. Courts and enforcement of sentences).

Axis 3, Networks and Communities, combines research expertise on interactional phenomena for which several CICC members have gained a reputation (1. Marginalization and profiling; 2. Co-offending, gangs, and organized crime).

Axis 4, Technologies and Cybersecurity, represents the newest field at CICC, with ambitious research efforts aimed at understanding the implications of a virtual society on crime and its social control (1. Technologies and emerging risks and 2. Cybersecurity and governance).

The changes made primarily aim to simplify the number of themes (from 3 to 2 for each axis) and emphasize the international dimension of the Center by eliminating the Criminology and Transnational Issues axis and making it a transversal dimension valued within each axis.

Axis 1- Trajectories and Interventions

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Axis 2 - Police and Judicial Responses

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Axis 3 - Networks and Community

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Axis 4 - Technologies and Cybersecurity

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