We are delighted to welcome you to our online room reservation platform. This page has been specially designed to simplify the process of reserving time slots for room C-4069.
To reserve this room, you must be a member of the CICC: either as a researcher, or as a master's or doctoral student, regardless of their home university, but supervised by a regular CICC researcher.
Click here to access the interactive calendar.
Here's how to proceed:
Select the date: Choose the date for which you wish to reserve the room using the interactive calendar.
Choose the start and end times: Specify the time at which you wish to start and end your booking. Be sure to respect the available times.
Confirm your reservation: Once you've selected the time slot that suits you best, click on the confirmation button. You will then receive confirmation of your reservation by e-mail, together with the code for the key collection box on the door.
If you encounter any problems or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at cicc@umontreal.ca.
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