April 19, 2024

International approaches to understanding and responding to Sibling Sexual Behaviour: Research and practice.

Résumé :

Research paper will focus on international research from the UK on Sibling Sexual Behaviour. It will highlight the research evidence base, resources and approaches that have developed over the past 18 months. Providing guidance for practitioners on how to work with this complex and often nuanced issue (King-Hill et al., 2023; King-Hill, McCartan, and Gilsenan, 2023; McCartan, King-Hill and Gilsenan, 2023; Adams and Crosby, 2022). Leading academics and practitioners from the UK will be running this panel, alongside practitioners in the field. They have extensive research and practice knowledge on SSA/B, both McCartan and King-Hill lead the research and evidence base on the first UK Government Home Office funded National Sibling Sexual Abuse Project.  

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