In person and via Zoom, in English
Event is free, registration is required
Université de Montréal, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, salle C-3061
13h00: Opening
13h10: Reconciliation from the perspective of the needs-based model
Nurit Shnabel
Dr. Nurit Shnabel received her PhD in social psychology from Tel Aviv University in 2008. Her dissertation developed the needs-based model of reconciliation, a theoretical framework for understanding the identity needs of victims and perpetrators. After completing her post-doctoral studies as a Fulbright Foundation Exchange Scholar at Yale University, she joined Tel Aviv University, where she currently serves as a Full Professor at the School of Psychological Sciences. She also serves as the Diversity Officer of the European Association of Social Psychology.
14h00: TAAPWAYWIN: Memory, Truth, and Human Rights
Ry Moran
Ry Moran is Canada’s inaugural Associate University Librarian – Reconciliation at the University of Victoria. His role within UVic Libraries’ focuses on building and sustaining relationships to introduce Indigenous approaches and knowledge into the daily work of the Libraries and more broadly across the campus community. Ry came to this position from the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation hosted by the University of Manitoba. Prior to the NCTR, he served with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
15h00: Settler Research and (Re)Conciliation in Indigenous Country
Vicki Chartrand
Vicki Chartrand is a Mama and Full Professor in the Sociology Department at Bishop’s University, Québec, the traditional territory of the Abenaki people. She is also Adjunct Professor at the University of Ottawa, Criminology Department and founder and director of the Centre for Justice Exchange – a research centre for collaborative community justices. Her research includes penal and carceral politics and modernday colonialism; community-based and grassroots justices; and anticolonial, anti-violence, and collaborative methodologies.
16h00: Panel discussion
16h55: Closing
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