
28 octobre 2014 - 11h45 à 13h00

Guns, Crime and Social Order in Canada

11 h 45 à 13 h 00
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, local C-2059
Carrefour des arts et des sciences
3150, rue Jean-Brillant

Aucune réservation requise

James Sheptycki is Professor of Criminology at York University, Toronto, Canada. He has published widely on criminological topics including organized crime, transnational policing and comparative criminology.  His recent book, with Ben Bowling, is titled Global Policing. Previously he published an edited volume, with Andrew Goldsmith, titled Crafting. Transnational Policing. His current research interest concerns guns, crime and social order and, together with Adam Edwards, he has edited a special issue of Criminology and Criminal Justice on the topic. 

Summary : Gun-crime is an interesting phenomenon because, although statistically quite rare in Canada, they are 'signal crimes', that is crimes that signal cause for fear and alarm. This presentation will describe the development of gun-crime phenomena over a period of about three decades and up to the recent past. It further speculates on the consequences for social order in Canada as the gun-crime trope evolved.


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