
12 avril 2016 - 11h45 à 12h30

Police Reform in Electoral Authoritarian Regimes: Armenia in Comparative Post-soviet Perspective

11h45 à 12h30
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, local C-2059
Carrefour des arts et des sciences
3150, rue Jean-Brillant

Aucune réservation requise

Matthew Light is associate professor of criminology and European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at the University of Toronto. He received his doctorate in political science from Yale University in 2006 and has been at the University of Toronto since 2008. He studies migration control, policing and criminal justice, and corruption, primarily in the post-Soviet region. Light's work has appeared in Theoretical Criminology, Post-Soviet Affairs, and Law and Social Inquiry. His book, Fragile Rights: Freedom of Movement in Post-Soviet Russia, is forthcoming with Routledge, with publication planned for March 2016

Summary :

We examine ongoing police reform initiatives in Armenia. Through implicit comparisons with Russia and Georgia, we assess what reforms are feasible in similar electoral authoritarian regimes. Using documentary sources, ethnographic observation, and key-informant interviews, we examine four major areas of reform: anti-corruption measures in the highway police, modernization of police recruitment and training, the policing of protest, and treatment of victims and witnesses in criminal investigations. Unlike Georgia’s sweeping reforms and Russia’s cosmetic ones, Armenia’s reforms can fairly be characterized as modest. We explain this variation in outcomes through differences across the cases concerning intra-elite relations, levels of corruption and street crime, and international linkages. Armenia’s experience demonstrates that at least some forms of police reform can occur in electoral authoritarian regimes. We close by considering the long-term viability of modest reforms that fail to create a significant pro-reform mobilization among citizens, as well as the proper role of international partners in promoting police reform in non-democratic regimes.

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