
5 avril 2016 - De 11h45 à 12h30

Security in the Anthropocene: How can IR and Criminology Cope with Global Environmental Change?

11h45 à 12h30
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, local C-2059
Carrefour des arts et des sciences
3150, rue Jean-Brillant

Aucune réservation requise

Cameron Harrington is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the International Centre for Comparative Criminology at the University of Montreal and a Research Associate in the Global Risk Governance Programme at the University of Cape Town. His first book, co-written with Clifford Shearing, Security in the Anthropocene: Reflections on Safety and Care will be published in Fall 2016 by Transcript Press/Columbia University Press


Ever since the implementation of the Schengen agreement in 1985, driven by concerns about mass migration and transnational crime, Member states have sought ways to monitor internal migration mobility without breaching the Schengen Border Code. In the Netherlands the vital role of monitoring the internal border areas is fulfilled by the Military and Border Police (MBP). Their official task is to prevent irregular migration, yet, as a result of increased concerns over the EU’s external borders and the global war on terror, this official focus of immigration control seems to have been extended to unofficially also include crime control. Whereas this development of "crimmigration control" in border areas can partially be explained by developments on the EU and national policy level, it is also necessary to look at the role of human agency and the often highly discretionary decisions made by individual border patrol officers. To what extent do their actions (further) fuel this process of crimmigration control? Can their behaviour be explained by what in the literature on police ethics has been coined as "noble cause" decision-making - decision-making that favours utilitarian ends in law enforcement activity - or are there other less noble underlying rationales?



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