
2 octobre 2024 - de 11h45 à 13h00

How Has Technology Changed the Lives of Prisoners?

Conférence-midi de Thomas Dearden.
Mercredi 2 octobre 2024, de 11h45 à 13h00.
En comodal : Dans la salle B-4215, Pavillon Jean-Brillant à l'Université de Montréal et en Zoom.

Inscription requise seulement pour le Zoom

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Résumé :

Incarcerating institutions are often portrayed as static, detached from broader societal and technological changes. In reality, the increased outsourcing of services to for-profit organizations has created rapid and often predatory changes within prisons and jails in the US. Over the past seven years, we have worked with jails, vendors, and non-profit organizations to examine these transformations across U.S. jails. We analyzed longitudinal data from over 8,000 inmates and interviewed 80 inmates and correctional officers. This presentation offers an overview of our findings, particularly focusing on the effects of introducing computer tablets in jails. I will discuss quantitative data on the impact of technology use, the experiences and perceptions of inmates and officers, and how these technological changes influence recidivism rates and reentry. 

Biographie :

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Thomas Dearden

Associate Professor of Sociology at Virginia Tech and a Center for Peace and Violence Prevention affiliate. In addition to 19 peer-reviewed articles, his work has led to international reports, securing a patent, invitations to advise bestselling author David Baldacci, and an appearance on NPR 


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