Conférence-midi de Sophie King-Hill, Kieran McCartan et David Russell
Le 11 avril, de 11h45 à 13h00
Dans la salle C-1017-13, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, UdeM
Les places en présentiel sont disponibles.
Research paper will focus on international research from the UK on Sibling Sexual Behaviour. It will highlight the research evidence base, resources and approaches that have developed over the past 18 months. Providing guidance for practitioners on how to work with this complex and often nuanced issue (King-Hill et al., 2023; King-Hill, McCartan, and Gilsenan, 2023; McCartan, King-Hill and Gilsenan, 2023; Adams and Crosby, 2022). Leading academics and practitioners from the UK will be running this panel, alongside practitioners in the field. They have extensive research and practice knowledge on SSA/B, both McCartan and King-Hill lead the research and evidence base on the first UK Government Home Office funded National Sibling Sexual Abuse Project.
The session will start with an overview of the international research literature on this topic, setting out the complexities of terminology including what constitutes a sibling and the range of behaviours. In doing this the presentation will outline the research carried out by King-Hill and McCartan, highlighting the reality of SSB and the challenges for preventing and responding to it. The session will then discuss the development of new, innovative, evidence-based sibling sexual behaviour mapping tool (SSB-MT) developed by King-Hill to aid professionals in working with the siblings and family members impacted by the abuse. Before a focus on supporting professionals undertaking assessments, interventions or decision making for children and young people displaying harmful or problematic sexual behaviour within a sibling context.
Prof. Kieran McCartan researches a range of areas including the prevention of a response to sexual abuse, as well as trauma-informed practice. He is currently the Vice-Chair of the National Organisation for the Treatment of Abuse (NOTA).
Dr. Sophie King Hill specialises in sexual behaviours and assessment in children and young people, sexual health, sibling sexual behaviour/abuse, misogyny, relationships & sex education and the importance of youth voice.
David Russell Russell is the Development Lead & Service manager at Thriving Survivors. David provides training on a range of themes on sexual violence and has facilitated multi-disciplinary training internationally. He currently sits on the NOTA Scotland executive committee, supporting professionals responding to sexual harm.
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