
18 mars 2014 - 11h45 à 13h00

La sociologue et le policier

Enquêter sur la diversité dans les services policiers allemands

Mardi 18 mars 2014
11h45 à 13h00
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, local C-2059
Carrefour des arts et des sciences
3150, rue Jean-Brillant

Barbara Thériault est professeure agrégée au Département de sociologie et directrice du Centre canadien d'études allemandes et européennes (CCEAE) de l'UdeM. Elle a obtenu son doctorat du Max Weber-Kolleg et son habilitation de l'Université européenne Viadrina avec son étude The Cop and the Sociologist: Investigating Diversity in German Police Forces.

Alexandra Schwell is an assistant professor (Universitätsassistentin) at the Department of European Ethnology, University of Vienna. Research interests include border studies, Eastern Europe, anthropology of security, state bureaucracies, European integration and her FP7 project "Football Research in an Enlarged Europe"- FREE (

Résumé de la conférence : Drawing on the sociology of Max Weber, Barbara Thériault investigates today's relations toward difference within German police forces. Accompanying and interviewing police officers whose job it is to contribute to the acknowledgement of difference, the sociologist outlines three ideal types of actors – an empathetic, a principled, and an opportunist one – and the motives underlying their actions. A fourth type, the spe-cialist, is conspicuously absent. Why is that so? Solving this enigma helps depicting the relations to difference within police forces: it points to a specific «spirit» of diversity and a singular way to apprehend the individual in Germany.

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