
22 février 2023 - 17h30 à 18h30

The (martial) art of fibre evidence

Conférence en anglais de Victoria Lau
Mercredi 22 février 2023 - 17h30 à 18h30
UQTR local 1222, pavillon Albert-Tessier et en ZOOM
Cette conférence sera donnée à la suite de celle d'Emmanuel Milot et Audrée Gareau-Léonard : Les nouvelles technologies ADN en renseignement criminel : le cas du portrait-robot génétique


The value of microtraces (including fibres) at the activity level has received less research attention than source level discrimination. This presentation will discuss how jiu-jitsu has aided ‘action-packed’ research to improve our understanding of microtrace transfer and persistence. Further developments integrating digital tools to guide practitioners in interpretation and evaluation will also be explored.


Victoria Lau is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Forensic Science, University of Technology Sydney, Australia. She graduated with a Master of Science (Forensic Science) from UTS in 2017, during which she developed a great passion for chemical criminalistics. This led her to pursue research in her areas of interest: textile fibres and other microtrace evidence, and the integration of emerging digital technologies.  Her work to date has been presented and received awards both locally and internationally.

Full conference


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