
4 avril 2017 - 11h45 à 12h30

The Police Intelligence Division of Labour

Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, salle C-4141
3150, rue Jean-Brillant

Aucune réservation requise

James Sheptycki is Professor of Criminology at York University in Toronto.  His research and teaching concern crime and policing and his most recent book (written with Ben Bowling) is titled Global Policing (Sage, 2012).  His current research concerns police organization and intelligence processes.


The conference will go over seven foci of intelligence work in policing. These are:

1) Community Intelligence;  
2) Investigative Criminal Intelligence;
3) Serious Crime/Threat Assessment Intelligence;
4) Counter-terrorism/Political Crime Intelligence;
5) Public Order Intelligence;
6) Multi-agency Co-ordination Intelligence; and
7) Managerial Intelligence. 

These seven foci both unite and divide the police division-of-labour; sometimes co-ordinating and sometimes working at cross-purposes. Key distinctions between types of intelligence include: analytical/investigative; proactive/reactive; strategic/tactical; management/operational. Problems abide because of ‘knowledge gaps’ and other organizational pathologies emergent from the police division-of-labour (DOL).

Understanding how the various different intelligence foci fit within the policing intelligence DOL provides new insights concerning the process of change as police organizations adopt and adapt to information technology.

Further, the ideal-typical models and terminology developed here provide standards by which to conduct comparative studies across different police agencies.


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