
21 avril 2021 - 11:45am to 12:30pm

The relevance of state censure, blame, and harms in sentencing - CANCELLED

Wednesday, April 21st of 2021
from 11:45am to 12:30pm

This event is cancelled


Censure, blame, and harms are central concepts in sentencing that have evolved over the years to take into account social context and experiential knowledge. This flexibility, however, remains limited as the current analysis of censure and blame in both Canada and England and Wales focuses on the offender. This detracts from a more nuanced account that examines the state’s contribution in creating wrongs and harms. The following presentation proposes a complementary framework within sentencing theory and practice that builds on a responsive understanding of censure as well as a relational account of responsibility in order to analyze and account for state blame and harms in sentencing.


Dr Marie Manikis is an associate professor and William Dawson Scholar at the Faculty of Law of McGill University. She researches and teaches in the areas of criminal justice and sentencing from theoretical, empirical, and comparative perspectives.

Conference poster


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