Conférence-midi de Miranda Bruce.
Jeudi 12 septembre 2024, de 11h45 à 13h00.
En comodal : Dans la salle C-7045, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, à l'Université de Montréal et en ligne.
Les places en présentiel sont disponibles sans nécessité de s'inscrire.
The World Cybercrime Index (WCI), released in 2024, identifies the world’s key cybercrime hotspots. It measures the significance of the cybercrime produced in different countries, and then ranks these countries according to their “cybercriminality”: the impact of the cybercrimes produced there, and the skills of the cybercriminals who commit these crimes. The WCI is the first index to use expert survey data to map cybercrime geography. First I’ll discuss the data, how we collected it, and what the results mean. Then I’ll share some early statistical analysis that explores why some countries, and not others, might become cybercrime hotspots.
Miranda Bruce
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