Raphaël Gellert (Juin 2017)

Pavillon Lionel Groulx
3150, rue Jean-Brillant, Local C-4083
Téléphone : (514) 343-7065
Télécopie : (514) 343-2269

Raphaël Gellert conduit actuellement un projet de recherche national intitulé “A Risk to a Right? Exploring a new notion in data protection law”, financé par la Research Foundation - Flanders. Il a soumis sa thèse en septembre 2016 (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Law Faculty, Research Group on Law, Science, Technology, Society, Studies), et la soutiendra sous peu.  

Il sera accueilli par Samuel Tanner durant son séjour au CICC.

Thèmes de recherche 

  • Big data

  • Vie privée

  • Protection des données personnelles

  • Risque

  • Régulation

  • Gouvernance algorithmique


Publications récentes

  • Gellert, R. (2016). We Have Always Managed Risks in Data Protection Law: Understanding the Similarities and Differences Between the Rights-based and Risk-based approaches to Data Protection. European Data Protection Law Review, 4(2), 481–492.

  • Gellert R. (2016) Redefining the smart grids’ smartness. Or why it is impossible to adequately address their risks to privacy and data protection if their environmental dimension is overlooked. Journal of Law, Information & Science 24(1).

  • Van Dijk, N., Gellert, R., & Rommetveit, K. (2016). A Risk to a Right? Beyond Data Protection Risk Assessments. Computer Law & Security Review, 32(2), 286–306.

  • Gellert, R. (2015). Data protection: a risk regulation? Between the risk management of everything and the precautionary alternative. International Data Privacy Law, 5(1), 3–19.

  • Gellert, R., Mantovani, E., & De Hert, P. (2015). The EU Regulation of Nanomaterials: Smoother or Harder? The Precautionary Tool Chest as the Basis for Better Regulating Nanomaterials. In P. Dolez (Ed.), Nanoengineering: Global Approaches to Health and Safety Issues (pp. 339–373). Amsterdam; Oxford; New-York: Elsevier.

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