Faculté de droit
Université de Montréal
Pavillon Maximilien-Caron, local A7482
3101, chemin de la Tour
Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J7
Téléphone : 514 343-7169
Télécopie : 514 343-2199
![]() Précis de droit international publicThéories, sources, interlégalité, sujetsBeaulac, S. & Cohen, M. (2021). Précis de droit international public : théories, sources, interlégalité, sujets. Lexis Nexis. |
Realizing Reparative Justice for International CrimesFrom Theory to PracticeCohen, M. (2020). Realizing Reparative Justice for International Crimes: From Theory to Practice. Cambridge University Press. |
Cohen, M. (2022) Sob o pretexto da segurança nacional: como as Medidas após o 11 de setembro desamparam os direitos das minorias. Dans Cançado Trindade, A. A. & Barros Leal, C.(eds.), os Direitos humanos dos vulneráveis, marginalizados e excluídos. Expressao Grafica. |
Cohen, M. (2022). Préface du livre. Dans Barros Leal, C. (ed.), Inside Crime and Prison. Juruá. |
Régis, C., Cohen, M., Larouche, P., Denis, J-L., Cadeddu, S. & Foucault, G. (2021) A Stress Test for the World Health Organization (who) in a Pandemic World: What Can We Hope for the Future? Dans Denis, J-L., Régis, C. & Weinstock, D. (Eds.) Pandemic Societies. Les presses de l’Université de Montréal. |
Cohen, M. (2020). The Politics of Reparations at the International Criminal Court. Dans Cullen, H., Kastner, P., & Richmond, S. (eds.), The Politics of International Criminal Law. Brill | Nijhoff. |
Cohen, M. (2020). Beyond the State: Individual Civil Responsibility for Violations of International Law. Dans Scott, K. N., Claussen, K., Côté, C-E. & Kanehara, A. (eds.), Changing Actors in International Law. Brill | Nijhoff. |
Cohen, M. (2018). Human Rights Law: The Nuremberg and Tokyo Legacy. Dans Oberleitner, G. (ed.), Handbook of Human Rights Institutions, Tribunals and Courts: Legacy and Promise. Springer. |
Cohen, M. & MacLean, J. (2017). Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment and International Environmental Law: Still More Myth than Reality? Dans Cançado Trindade, A. A. & Barros Leal, C. (eds.) Human Rights and the Environment. Brazilian Institute of Human Rights, Fortaleza, Brazil. |
Cohen, M. (2016). The Construction of a Legal Duty to Repair: From States to Individual Perpetrators. Dans Cançado Trindade, A. A. & Barros Leal, C. (eds.), The Principle of Humanity. Brazilian Institute of Human Rights, Fortaleza, Brazil. |
Cohen, M. (2016). The Role of Latin America in the Permanent Court of International Justice. Dans Sorel, J-M. & Almeida, P. (eds.), Latin America and the International Court of Justice. Routledge. |
Cohen, M. (2015). International Criminal Justice, Reparations for Victims and Human Dignity: the Role of Domestic Mechanisms. Dans Cançado Trindade, A. A. & Barros Leal, C. (eds.)The Respect for Human Dignity. Brazilian Institute of Human Rights, Fortaleza, Brazil. |
Cohen, M. (2014). Justice Theories and Reparations for Victims of International Crimes. In Cançado Trindade, A. A. & Barros Leal, C. (eds.), Equality and Non-Discrimination. Brazilian Institute of Human Rights, Fortaleza, Brazil. |
Cohen, M., & Vincent-Wright, S. M. (2022). Uma luz nas cinzas? Os mecanismos de justiça internacional e o restabelecimento do Estado de direito em tempos de guerra. Revista Jurídica da UFERSA, 6(12), 217-243. https://doi.org/10.21708/issn2526-9488.v6.n12.p217-243.2022 |
Cohen, M., & Vincent-Wright, S. M. (2022). Conflict Resolution in Human Rights Cases: The Role of the Supreme Court of Canada. Const. Rev., 8, 295. |
Cohen, M. & Dagenais, M-O. (2021). Between Utopia and Reality: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Canada . Constitutional Review, 7-1. |
Cohen, M. (2021). In the Name of National Security: How Post 9/11 Counter-terrorism Measures Undermine Human Rights. Revue de l’Institut Brésilien de droits de la personne. |
Cohen, M. (2020). Doing business abroad: a review of selected recent Canadian case-studies on corporate accountability for foreign human rights violations. The International Journal of Human Rights, 24(10), 1499-1514. https://doi.org/10.1080/13642987.2020.1729134 |
Cohen, M., & Hortensius, J. (2018). A Human Rights Approach to End of Life? Recent Developments at the European Court of Human Rights. Revista do Instituto Brasileiro de Direitos Humanos, (17/18), 193-210. |
Brennan, M., & Cohen, M. (2018). Citizenship by descent: how Canada’s one-generation rule fails to comply with international legal norms. The International Journal of Human Rights, 22(10), 1302-1317. https://doi.org/10.1080/13642987.2018.1480095 |
Cohen, M., & Klein, M. (2017). Litigating to Negotiate Access to the Pacific Ocean. The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies, 4(2), 106-118. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26664156 |
Cohen, M. (2017). International human rights norms and maternal tort immunity in Canada: connecting the dots. The International Journal of Human Rights, 21(6), 655-671. https://doi.org/10.1080/13642987.2017.1319702 |
Cohen, M. (2017). The Re-Invention of Investment Immigration in Canada and Constructions of Canadian Citizenship. Investment Migration Working Papers. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3613249 |
Cohen, M. (2014). VICTIM REDRESS FROM NUREMBERG AND TOKYO TO THE ICTY AND ICTR. Revista do Instituto Brasileiro de Direitos Humanos, (14), 311-322. |
Cohen, M. (2013). PAVING A NEW ROAD FOR REPARATION FOR VICTIMS OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMES: THE ICC TRUST FUND FOR VICTIMS. Revista do Instituto Brasileiro de Direitos Humanos, (13), 249-260. |
Cohen, M. (2012). REPARATIONS AT THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT: LESSONS FROM THE INTER-AMERICAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS. Revista do Instituto Brasileiro de Direitos Humanos, (12), 295-310. |
Cohen, M. (2011). BETWEEN OFFENDERS AND VICTIMS: THE CIVIL DIMENSION OF UNIVERSAL JURISIDCTION. Revista do Instituto Brasileiro de Direitos Humanos, (11), 141-154. |
Cohen, M. (2010). The analogy between piracy and human trafficking: A theoretical framework for the application of universal jurisdiction. Buff. Hum. Rts. L. Rev., 16, 201. |
Cohen, M. (2008). Victims' participation rights within the International Criminal Court: a critical overview. Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y, 37, 351. |
Docherty, B., Cohen, M., Agule, R., Falk, T. & Siders, A. (2009, octobre). Staying True to the Ban on Cluster Munitions: Understanding the Prohibition on Assistance in the Convention on Cluster Munitions. Human Rights Watch. |
Cohen, M., Daley, B. & Dallaire, J. (2009, juillet). Proposed Amendments to Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting in Canada. Food and Drug Law, Regulation and Education. |
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