Carolyn Côté-Lussier (P) (Boursière CICC, janvier à juin 2015)

Ph.D., Social Research Methods  (2012), London School of Economics and Political Science
Pavillon Lionel Groulx 
3150, rue Jean-Brillant, bureau C-4083
Téléphone : (514) 343-7065
Télécopie : (514) 343-2269

Sujet du stage postdoctoral :  « Intuitions of justice : The ideological and moral components of punitiveness toward crime ». Lire le résumé

Carolyn Côté-Lussier est encadrée par Jason T. Carmichael.

Elle est également collaboratrice, Spatial Health Research (SPHERE) Lab et CIHR Applied Public Health Chair in Urban Interventions and Population Health.

Thèmes de recherche

  • La psychologie sociale et les réactions du public face aux criminels
  • L'épidémiologie de l'insécurité
  • Systèmes de moralité et d'idéologie politique
  • Les stéréotypes et les relations intergroupes


Fitzpatrick, C., Côté-Lussier, C., Blair, C. (in press). Dressed and groomed for success in elementary school: Student appearance and academic adjustment. The Elementary School Journal.

Côté-Lussier, C., Fitzpatrick, C., Séguin, L. & Barnett, T. A. (in press). Poor, Unsafe and Overweight: The Role of Feeling Unsafe at School in Mediating the Association Between Poverty Exposure, Youth Screen Time, Physical Activity and Weight Status. American Journal of Epidemiology.

Côté-Lussier, C., Barnett, T. A., Kestens, Y., Thanh Tu, M. & Séguin, L. (2014). The Role of the Residential Neighborhood in Linking Youths’ Family Poverty Trajectory to Decreased Feelings of Safety at School [Available online ahead of print November 12, 2014]. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. DOI: 10.1007/s10964-014-0214-8.

Côté-Lussier, C., Jackson, J., Kestens, Y., Henderson, M., & Barnett, T. A. (2014). A Child’s View: Social and Physical Environmental Features Differentially Predict Parent and Child Perceived Neighborhood Safety. Journal of Urban Health, 92(1), 10-23.  DOI: 10.1007/s11524-014-9917-0.

Côté-Lussier, C., & Barnett, T. A. (2013). On the Potential Public Health Consequences of  “Xenophobic” Political Strategies and Policies. Can J Public Health104(7), e509.

Côté-Lussier, C. (2013). Fight fire with fire: The effect of perceived anger on punitive intuitions. Emotion13(6), 999-1003.

Côté-Lussier, C. (2013). Narratives of legitimacy: police expansionism and the contest over policing. Policing and Society23(2), 183-203.

Fitzpatrick, C., Côté-Lussier, C., Pagani, L. S., & Blair, C. (2013). I Don’t Think you like me Very Much: Child Minority Status and Disadvantage Predict Relationship Quality With Teachers [Available online ahead of print December 4th 2013]. Youth & Society. DOI: 10.1177/0044118X13508962. 

Jackson, J., Gerber, M. & Côté-Lussier, C. (2011). 'The Ideological Roots of Fear of Crime and Punitive Sentiment in Greece and the UK: A Commentary on Zarafonitou', in Cheliotis, L. K. and Xenakis, S. (eds.), Crime and Punishment in Contemporary Greece: International Comparative Perspectives. Oxford: Peter Lang A G.


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