Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, UK (2011)
Master of Philosophy in Modern Societies and Global Transformation, Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge, UK (2006)
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
3150, Rue Jean Brillant, bureau C-4083
Téléphone : (514) 343-6111 poste 3667
Télécopie : (514) 343-2269
Personal website
Dynamics and evolution of social networks
Micro-macro linkages, social dynamics, analytical sociology
Quantitative research methods (social network analysis, agent-based modeling, event-history techniques, multi-level modeling)
Les dynamiques des réseaux criminels à l'épreuve de la vérification empirique (CICC). Encadré par Carlo Morselli. PDF
Grund, T. and Helbing. D. (eds.) (in preparation). 'Agent-Based Models and Complex Techno-Social Systems', Special Issue of Advances in Complex Systems.
Kron, T. and Grund, T. (2010) (eds.). 'Analytische Soziologie in der Diskussion'. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2010.
Scientific articles
Gallo, E., Grund, T. and Reade, J. J. (in press). 'Punishing the Foreigner. Implicit Discrimination in the Premier League Based on Oppositional Identity'. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.
Grund, T., Waloszek, C. & Helbing, D. (2013). 'How Natural Selection Can Create Both Self- and Other-Regarding Preferences, and Networked Minds'. Nature Scientific Reports. 3:1480. www
Grund, T. (2012). 'Network Structure and Team Performance: The Case of English Premier League Soccer Teams'. Social Networks, Vol. 34, Issue 4, pp. 682-690.
Grund, T. and Densley, J. (2012). 'Ethnic Heterogeneity in the Activity and Structure of a Black Street Gang'. European Journal of Criminology, Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp. 388-406.
Richardson, L. and Grund, T. (2012). 'Modeling the Impact of Supra-Structural Network Nodes: The Case of Anonymous Syringe Sharing and HIV among People who Inject Drugs'. Social Science Research, Vol. 41, Issue 3, pp. 624-636.
Yogev, T. and Grund, T. (2012). 'Structural Dynamics and the Market for Contemporary Art: The Case of International Art Fairs'. Sociological Focus, Vol. 54, Issue 1, pp. 23-40.
Kron, T. and Grund, T. (2009). 'Society as a Self-Organized Critical System'. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 2009, Vol. 16, No. 1-2, pp. 65-83.
Papastefanou, G. and Grund, T. (2004). 'EVSLabels 1.0. Ein Tool zur automatischen Erstellung von SPSS-Setups für Scientific Use Files der EVS 2003'. ZUMA-Nachrichten 2004, 55, November 2004, pp. 97-98.
Other publications
Grund, T. (forthcoming). 'Network Size and Homophily: Same-Sex Friendships in 595 Scandinavian Schools', in: Manzo, G. (ed.), Analytical Sociology. Norms, Actions, Networks. New York: Wiley.
Grund, T. (2013). 'Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks (4th ed.) by A. Barrat, M. Barthélemy, & A. Vespignani'. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 37: 2, 131-132. (Book review) www
Kron, T. and Grund, T. (2010). 'Einleitung', in: Kron, T. and Grund, T. (eds.) (2010), Analytische Soziologie in der Diskussion. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, pp. 7-27.
Jäckel, M. and Grund, T. (2005). 'Eine Mediensoziologie – Aus Sicht der Klassiker', in: Jäckel, M. (2005) (ed.), Mediensoziologie. Grundfragen und Forschungsfelder. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, pp. 15-32.
Papastefanou, G. and Grund, T. (2005). 'Socio-economic Status Disparities in Fresh Vegetables Consumption: Change and Stability between 1983 and 1998 in West-Germany', in: Oltersdorf, U. et. al. (2005) (eds.), Consumer and Nutrition: Challenges and Chances for Research and Society. Karlsruhe: BFEL, pp. 186-190.
Grund, T. (2004). 'EVSLabels 1.0.Ein Tool zur automatischen Erstellung von SPSS-Setups für Scientific Use Files der EVS 2003'. ZUMA-Methodenbericht 2004/05. Mannheim: ZUMA.
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