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Mulone, M. (2013). Researching private security consumption. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 19, 401-417. |
Rossignol, A., Terradas, M. M., Puentes-Neuman, G., Caron, M., & Leroux, J. (2013). L’approche Watch, Wait, and Wonder et l’évolution de la fonction réflexive parentale de mères à risque. Devenir, 25(4), 257-282. |
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Von der Lühe, B., Dawson, L.A., Mayes, R.W., Forbes, S.L., Fiedler, S. (2013). Investigation of sterols as potential biomarkers for the detection of pig (S. s. domesticus) decomposition fluid in soils. Forensic Science International. 230: 68-73. |
Boivin, R. (2013). Une mesure de la gravité moyenne des crimes enregistrés par la police 1. Criminologie, 46(2), 221-241. |
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Côté, P. B., Blais, M., Bellot, C., & Manseau, H. (2013). Des expériences affectives et sexuelles en situation de rue 1. Criminologie, 46(2), 243-261. |
Dupont, B., & Ocqueteau, F. (2013). Nouveaux regards sur les métiers de la sécurité. Introduction au numéro thématique. Criminologie, 46(2), 5-14. |
Ocqueteau, F., & Dupont, B. (2013). Gérer les risques dans l’entreprise vulnérable. Une comparaison franco-québécoise. Criminologie, 46(2), 171-193. |
Mulone, M. (2013). Directeurs de sécurité en entreprise et consommation de la sécurité. Étude exploratoire canadienne. Criminologie, 46(2), 149-170. |
Lussier, P., & Cale, J. (2013). Beyond sexual recidivism: A review of the sexual criminal career parameters of adult sex offenders. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18(5), 445-457. |
Hodgins, S., & Crocker, A. (2013). Commentary on Lindsay and Dernevik's risk and offenders with intellectual disabilities: Reappraising Hodgins' Swedish birth cohort study. Crim. Behav. & Mental Health, 23, 158. |
Brunelle, N., Tremblay, J., Blanchette-Martin, N., Gendron, A., & Tessier, M. (2014). Relationships between drugs and delinquency in adolescence: Influence of gender and victimization experiences. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 23(1), 19-28. |
Cohen, M. (2012). REPARATIONS AT THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT: LESSONS FROM THE INTER-AMERICAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS. Revista do Instituto Brasileiro de Direitos Humanos, (12), 295-310. |
Larizza, M., and Forbes, S.L. (2013). Detection of fatty acids in the lateral extent of the cadaver decomposition island. Environmental and Criminal Geoforensics. SP384: 209-219. |
Bradley, S., & Drapeau, M. (2013). Quebec Psychologists and Continuing Education. Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne, 54(3) 153-159. |
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Tanner, S. (2013). Police «globalisée» et déploiements canadiens dans les opérations de paix 1. Criminologie, 46(2), 69-90. |
Rossignol, A., Puentes-Neuman, G., & Terradas, M. M. (2013). La fonction réflexive parentale et l’approche Watch, Wait, and Wonder : perspectives théoriques. Devenir, 25(3), 203-222. |
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Milot, E., & Pelletier, F. (2013). Human evolution: new playgrounds for natural selection. Current Biology, 23(10), R446-R448. |
Chadillon-Farinacci, Véronique, Philippe Apparicio et Carlo Morselli (2013). “Géographie du cannabis au Québec: du producteur au consommateur”, Canadian Journal of Regional Science / Revue canadiennes des sciences régionales 36: 13-22. |
Benjamin Ducol (2013) « Les dimensions émotionnelles du terrorisme : émotions, radicalisation violente et violence politique clandestine », Revue Canadienne des Études Supérieures en Sociologie et Criminologie, 2(2), pp.89-98. Lien |
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Lowe, A.C., Beresford, D.V., Carter, D.O., Gaspari, F., O’Brien, R.C., Stuart, B.H., and Forbes, S.L. (2013). The effect of soil texture on the degradation of textiles associated with buried bodies. Forensic Science International. 231: 331-339. |
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Cohen, A. A., Milot, E., Yong, J., Seplaki, C. L., Fülöp, T., Bandeen-Roche, K., & Fried, L. P. (2013). A novel statistical approach shows evidence for multi-system physiological dysregulation during aging. Mechanisms of ageing and development, 134(3-4), 110-117. |
Brunelle, N., Bertrand, K., Beaudoin, I., Ledoux, C., Gendron, A., & Arseneault, C. (2013). Drug trajectories among youth undergoing treatment: The influence of psychological problems and delinquency. Journal of adolescence, 36(4), 705-716. |
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Côté-Lussier, C. (2013). Narratives of legitimacy: Police expansionism and the contest over policing. Policing and Society, 23(2), 183-203. |
Focant, J-F., Stefanuto, P-H., Brasseur, C., Dekeirsschieter, J., Haubruge, E., Schotsmans, E., Wilson, A., Stadler, S., and Forbes, S.L. (2013). Forensic cadaveric decomposition profiling by GCxGC-TOFMS analysis of VOCs. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University. 4: 177-186. |
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Lowe, A.C., Beresford, D.V., Carter, D.O., Gaspari, F., O’Brien, R.C., and Forbes, S.L. (2013). Ground penetrating radar use in three contrasting soil textures in Southern Ontario. Environmental and Criminal Geoforensics. SP384: 221-228. |
Lamboley, M., Jimenez, E., Cousineau, M-M. & Wemmers, J. (2013). La traite des femmes et des filles au Canada dans un but de mariage forcé : la perspective des victimes et des intervenants. Criminologie, 46(1), 179-198. |
Leroux, J., & Terradas, M. M. (2013). Évaluation de la qualité développementale de la fonction réflexive parentale chez les mères d’enfants présentant un Trouble réactionnel de l’attachement. La psychiatrie de l’enfant, 56(2), 439-465. |
Terradas, M. M., & Achim, J. (2013). « Arrête de faire semblant, on joue pour vrai! ». Intégration de techniques d’intervention basées sur la mentalisation à la psychothérapie d’enfants d’orientation psychanalytique. La psychiatrie de l’enfant, 56(2), 439-465. |
Dupont, B. (2013). La coévolution de la technologie et de la délinquance: Quelques intuitions criminologiques. International Annals of Criminology, 51(1-2), 39-56. |
Dufour, M., Petit, S., & Brunelle, N. (2013). Pourquoi le poker est-il si attirant? Étude qualitative des motivations auprès des joueurs en salle et sur Internet. Drogues, santé et société, 12(2), 120-135. |
Stokes, K.L., Forbes, S.L., and Tibbett, M. (2013). Human versus animal: contrasting decomposition dynamics of mammalian analogues in experimental taphonomy. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 58: 583-591. |
Boivin, R., & Ouellet, F. (2013). La Politique d’intervention en matière de violence conjugale, dix-huit ans plus tard: Évaluation de l’impact sur le système judiciaire québécois. Service social, 59(2), 51-64. |
Kidd, S.A., Karabanow, J., Hughes, J., & Frederick, T., Aube, C., Chwalek, M., Fenn, K., Naylor, T., Quirouette, M., Reynolds, A., & Sullivan, K. (2013). Youth pathways out of homelessness – preliminary findings. Journal of Adolescence, 36(6), 1035-1037. |
Gélinas M., Fortier M., Lajeunesse A., Fournier M., Gagnon C., Gagné F. (2013). Energy status and immune system alterations in Elliptio complanata after ingestion of cyanobacteria Anabaena flos-aquae. Ecotoxicology 22(3), 457-468. |
Kramer, U., de Roten, Y., Drapeau, M., & Despland, J.-N. (2013). Change in Cognitive Errors and Coping Action Patterns over the Course of Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 69(7), 727–736. |
Bertrand, K., Brunelle, N., Richer, I., Beaudoin, I., Lemieux, A., & Menard, J. M. (2013). Assessing covariates of drug use trajectories among adolescents admitted to a drug addiction center: Mental health problems, therapeutic alliance, and treatment persistence. Substance use & misuse, 48(1-2), 117-128. |
Kramer, U., Caspar, F., & Drapeau, M. (2013). Change in biased thinking in a 10-session treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder: Further evidence of the Motive-Oriented Therapeutic Relationship. Psychotherapy Research, 23(6) 633-645. www |
Côté-Lussier, C., & Barnett, T. A. (2013). On the potential public health consequences of" xenophobic" political strategies and policies. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 104(6), e509-e509. |
Forbes, S.L., Hulsman, S., and Dolderman, M. (2013). Locating buried canine remains using ground penetrating radar. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal. 46: 51-58. |
Cusson, M. (2013). Le pardon et la réconciliation à l'épreuve de la criminologie scientifique. Commentaire sur « Les États africains à l'école du pardon purificateur de l'arbre à palabre ». Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXVI (2), 167-168. |
Boivin, R. (2013). On the use of crime rates. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 55(2), 263-278. |
Bellot, C., & Rivard, J. (2013). La reconnaissance: un enjeu au cœur de la recherche participative. Nouvelles pratiques sociales, 25(2), 105-124. |
Hamel, S., Alain, M., Cousineau, M. M., & Bouchard, M. (2013). The development and use of concertation: lessons from a subsidy program in Quebec aimed at preventing sexual exploitation of youths by street gangs. Research, Policy and Planning, 30(2), 121-135. |
Milot, E., Perrier, C., Papillon, L., Dodson, J. J., & Bernatchez, L. (2013). Reduced fitness of A tlantic salmon released in the wild after one generation of captive breeding. Evolutionary applications, 6(3), 472-485. |
Dufour, M., Brunelle, N., & Roy, É. (2015). Are poker players all the same? Latent class analysis. Journal of gambling studies, 31, 441-454. |
Van Camp, T., & Wemmers, J. A. (2013). Victim satisfaction with restorative justice: More than simply procedural justice. International Review of Victimology, 19(2), 117-143. |
Mikic, N., & Terradas, M. M. (2013). Mentalization and attachment representations: A theoretical contribution to the understanding of Reactive Attachment Disorder. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 78(1), 34-56. |
Lussier-Desrochers, D., Caouette, M., & Hamel, S. (2015). Implanter les technologies de soutien à l’autodétermination (TSA): l’expérience vécue par les centres de réadaptation en déficience intellectuelle et troubles envahissants du développement (CRDITED). Développement humain, handicap et changement social, 21(1), 49-65. |
Antunes-Alves, S., Thomson, K., Kramer, U., & Drapeau, M. (2013). The relationship between cognitive errors, coping strategies, and clients' experiences in session: An exploratory study. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 1-9. doi: 10.1080/14733145.2013.770894 |
Trépanier, L., Perry, J.C., Koerner, A., Stamoulos,C., Sheptycki, A., & Drapeau, M. (2013). A study of the similarity between three models of interpersonal functioning of patients with borderline personality disorder. Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 1, 55-60. |
Stadler, S., Stefanuto, P.H., Brokl, M., Forbes, S.L., and Focant, J.F. (2013). Characterization of volatile organic compounds from human analogue decomposition using thermal desorption followed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography – time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry. 85: 998-1005. |
Fitzpatrick, C., Côté-Lussier, C., Pagani, L. S., & Blair, C. (2015). I don’t think you like me very much: Child minority status and disadvantage predict relationship quality with teachers. Youth & Society, 47(5), 727-743. |
Körner, A., Drapeau, M., Thombs, B. D., Rosberger, Z., Wang, B., Khanna, M., Spatz, A., Coroiu, A., Garland, R., & Batist, G. (2013). Barriers and facilitators of adherence to medical advice on skin self-examination during melanoma follow-up care. BMC Dermatology, 13, 3. doi: 10.1186/1471-5945-13-3. |
Renaud, J., Dobson, K.S., & Drapeau, M. (2013). Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Coping Style Matters. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. Published online : 15 janvier 2013. www |
Bertrand, K., Richer, I., Brunelle, N., Beaudoin, I., Lemieux, A., & Menard, J. M. (2013). Substance abuse treatment for adolescents: how are family factors related to substance use change?. Journal of psychoactive Drugs, 45(1), 28-38. |
Skillicorn, David, Quan Zheng and Carlo Morselli (2013). "Spectral Embedding for Dynamic Social Networks", Proceedings of Advances in Social Network Analysis and Modelling (ASONAM), ACM & IEEE: 316-323. |
Jason Gravel, Martin Bouchard, Karine Descormiers, Jennifer Wong, and Carlo Morselli (2013). "Keeping Promises: A Systematic Review and a New Classification of Gang Control Strategies", Journal of Criminal Justice, 41: 228-242. |
Polisois-Keating, A., & Joyal, C. C. (2013). Functional neuroimaging of sexual arousal: a preliminary meta-analysis comparing pedophilic to non-pedophilic men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42, 1111-1113. |
Wemmers, J. A. (2013). Victims’ experiences in the criminal justice system and their recovery from crime. International review of victimology, 19(3), 221-233. |
Amicelle, A. (2013). 'Les programmes européens de gel des fonds 'terroristes': une mise en œuvre sous tensions', les Cahiers de la sécurité, No. 25, pp. 28-38. |
Morselli, Carlo, F. Crespo, Victor Hugo Masías, and Sigifredo Laengle (2013). "Predicting Arrest and Sentencing Outcomes with Centrality Measures", Security Informatics 2: doi:10.1186/2190-8532 2-4. |
Dubé, G., Terradas, M. M., Arsenault, S., Lallier Beaudoin, M. –C., & Pesant, S. (2013). L'enfant borderline en devenir : pourquoi s'y intéresser? Enfance en difficulté, 2, 31-59. |
Greissler, E., Rivard, J., & Bellot, C. (2013). L’évaluation d’un projet d’intervention par les pairs et le respect de ses principes d’action: le cas du GIAP. Drogues, santé et société, 12(1), 79-92. |
Amicelle, A. (2013). 'The EU's Paradoxical Efforts at Tracking the Financing of Terrorism. From Criticism to Imitation of Dataveillance', CEPS Liberty and Security Series, n°56, pp. 1-19. |
Benbouriche, M., Vanderstukken, O., Guay, J. P., Testé, B., & Renaud, P. (2013). Quelle pertinence pour l’évaluation standardisée des dis-torsions cognitives en délinquance sexuelle? Présentation, illustration, limites et perspectives. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique, 66(1), 29-46. |
Joyal, C. C., & Henry, M. (2013). Long-wave infrared functional brain imaging in human: a pilot study. The open neuroimaging journal, 7, 1. |
Manirabona, A. M., & Wemmers, J. A. (2013). Specific Reparation for Specific Victimization: A Case for Suitable Reparation Strategies for War Crimes Victims in the DRC. International Criminal Law Review, 13(5), 977-1012. |
Brouillette-Alarie, S., & Proulx, J. (2013). Predictive validity of the Static-99R and its dimensions. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 19(3), 311-328. |
Leroux, J., & Terradas, M. M. (2013). Fonction réflexive parentale et Trouble réactionnel de l'attachement : perspectives théoriques. La psychiatrie de l'enfant, 56(1), 293-315. |
Lamboley, M., Jimenez, E., Cousineau, M. M., & Wemmers, J. A. (2013). Le mariage forcé au Canada: la criminalisation, une solution?. Criminologie, 46(1), 179-198. |
Amicelle, A. (2013). 'Gestion différentielle des illégalismes économiques et financiers: les questions fiscales dans l'anti-blanchiment', Champ pénal, Vol. 10, pp. 1-23. / Amicelle, A. 'Differential Management of Economic and Financial Illegalisms', Champ pénal/Penal field, Vol. 10, pp. 1-23. (version anglaise) |
Chesnay, C. T., Bellot, C., & Sylvestre, M. È. (2013). Taming disorderly people one ticket at a time: The penalization of homelessness in Ontario and British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 55(2), 161-185. |
Poulin, C., Brunet, L., Casoni, D. (2013). Enjeux identitaires et appartenance sectaire : effets associés au départ du groupe. Revue canadienne de psychanalyse/Canadian Psychoanalytic Journal, vol. 21(2), 87-101. |
L. Becchetti, S. Caiazza and D. Coviello (2013). Financial Education and Investment Attitudes in High Schools: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment. Applied Financial Economics, Vol. 23, N.10, 817-836. |
Milot, E., Lecomte, M. M., Germain, H., & Crispino, F. (2013). The national DNA data bank of Canada: a Quebecer perspective. Frontiers in Genetics, 4, 249. |
Kramer, U., Vaudroz, C., Ruggeri, O., & Drapeau, M. (2013). Biased Thinking assessed by External Observers in Borderline Personality Disorder. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 86(2), 183-196. |
Knight, R. A., Sims-Knight, J., & Guay, J. P. (2013). Is a separate diagnostic category defensible for paraphilic coercion?. Journal of Criminal Justice, 41(2), 90-99. |
Dumais, A., De Benedictis, L., Joyal, C., Allaire, J. F., Lesage, A., & Côté, G. (2013). Profiles and mental health correlates of alcohol and illicit drug use in the Canadian population: an exploration of the J-curve hypothesis. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 58(6), 344-352. |
Savoie-Gargiso, Isa et Carlo Morselli (2013). Hommes à femmes: le proxénète et sa place parmi les prostituées. Criminologie, 46(1): 243-268. |
Tanner, S., & Mulone, M. (2013). Private security and armed conflict: a case study of the Scorpions during the mass killings in former Yugoslavia. British Journal of Criminology, 53(1), 41-58. |
Brouillette-Alarie, S., Proulx, J., & Benbouriche, M. (2013). Mieux saisir les outils actuariels: une analyse factorielle de la Statique-99R. Criminologie, 46(1), 199-219. |
Renaud, P., Chartier, S., Rouleau, J.-L., Proulx, J., Goyette, M., Trottier, D., Fedoroff, P., Bradford, J.-P., Dassylva, B. et Bouchard, S. (2013). Using immersive virtual reality and ecological psychology to probe into child molesters' phenomenology. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 19, 102-120. |
Imbeau, D., Bouchard, S., Terradas, M. M., & Villeneuve, E. (2013). Échelle d'attitudes à l'égard des personnes présentant un trouble de personnalité limite : structure factorielle et validation préliminaire. Annales médico-psychologiques, 1675, 1-7. |
Meunier, É., Wemmers, J. A., & Jimenez, E. (2013). Évaluation d’un programme alternatif pour contrevenantes. Criminologie, 46(1), 269-287. |
Joyal, C. C., & Dumais, A. (2013). Impulsivité et psychiatrie: de nouveaux outils pour mieux la définir, l’évaluer, la prévenir et la traiter. Psychiatrie et violence, 12(1). |
Plourde, C., Dufour, N., Brochu, S., & Gendron, A. (2013). Medication use, substance use, and psychological conditions of female inmates in Canadian federal prisons. International Annals of Criminology, 51(1-2), 23-37. |
Brunelle, N., Leclerc, D., Cousineau, M. M., Dufour, M., & Gendron, A. (2012). Relation entre les jeux virtuels de hasard et d’argent et certaines conduites déviantes chez des jeunes du Québec. Criminologie, 45(2), 107-132. |
Beauregard, V., & Brochu, S. (2013). Gambling behind bars: Does prison provide ideal conditions? Journal of gambling issues, 28, 1-25. |
Beauregard, V., & Brochu, S. (2013). Gambling in detention: A source of violence? Deviant behavior, 34(5). |
Beauregard, V., & Brochu, S. (2013). Gambling in prison : addiction or leisure activity? International Gambling Studies, 13(2). |
Beauregard, V., Chadillon-Farinacci, V., Brochu, S., & Cousineau, M. M. (2013). Enforcing institutional regulations in prison settings: The case of gambling in Quebec. International Criminal Justice Review, 23(2), 170-184. |
Brochu, S., Cousineau, M.-M., Provost, C., Erickson, P., & Sun, F. (2013). When youth combine drugs and violence: An explosive cocktail. İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuasi, 71(1), 177-192. |
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