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Dussault, F., Dufour, M., Brunelle, N., Tremblay, J., Rousseau, M., Leclerc, D., ... & Berbiche, D. (2019). Consistency of adolescents’ self-report of gambling age of onset: a longitudinal study. Journal of Gambling Studies, 35, 533-544. |
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Pariseau-Legault, P., Goulet, M. H., & Crocker, A. G. (2019). Une analyse critique des effets de l’autorisation judiciaire de soins sur la dynamique relationnelle entre la personne visée et ses systèmes de soutien. Aporia, (1), 41-55. |
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Liu, T., Zhang, W., Ye, L., Ueland, M., Forbes, S.L. and Su, S.W. (2019). A novel multi-odour identification by electronic nose using non-parametric modelling-based feature extraction and time-series classification. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical. 298: 126690. |
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Leclerc, M. E., Wemmers, J. A., & Brunet, A. (2020). The unseen cost of justice: Post-traumatic stress symptoms in Canadian lawyers. Psychology, Crime & Law, 26(1), 1-21. |
Simpson, N. P., Shearing, C. D., & Dupont, B. (2020). When Anthropocene shocks contest conventional mentalities: a case study from Cape Town. Climate and Development, 12(2), 163-169. |
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Euvrard, E. & Leclerc, C. (2019). La construction du cadre normatif de l’emprisonnement avec sursis : analyse de la réforme politique de la loi C-9 au Canada. Revue canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale, 61(2), 26-45. |
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Ouellet, M., Bouchard, M., & Charette, Y. (2019). One gang dies, another gains? The network dynamics of criminal group persistence. Criminology, 57(1), 5-33. |
Ueland, M., Forbes, S.L. and Stuart, B.H. (2019). Understanding clothed buried remains: the analysis of decomposition fluids and their influence on clothing in model burial environments. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology. 15: 3-12. |
Blais, E., & Maurice, P. (2019). Toward improved evaluations of laws against drink-driving. The Lancet, 393(10169), 297-298. |
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Leclair, M. C., Deveaux, F., Roy, L., Goulet, M. H., Latimer, E. A., & Crocker, A. G. (2019). The impact of Housing First on criminal justice outcomes among homeless people with mental illness: a systematic review. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 64(8), 525-530. |
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