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Hamel, S., Lacharité, C., Lepage, A. A., Pellerin, M., Gélinas, A., Montambeault, J., & Chicoine, C. (2022). Evaluating facilitators’ challenges administering a program building on existing strengths in families facing difficulties. Evaluation and Program Planning, 94, 102125. |
Ouellet, F., & Dubois, M. È. (2022). Got Assistance? Profit-Driven Criminal Careers and Assisted Desistance. Crime & Delinquency, 00111287221104733. |
Chopin, J., Beauregard, E., & Arseneault, C. (2022). Requiem for a dream: a lifestyle and routine activities victimological analysis to explore the sexual victimization of illicit drug users. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 31(9), 1241-1261. |
Hassan, G., Rabah, J., Madriaza, P., Brouillette-Alarie, S., Borokhovski, E., Pickup, D., Varela, W., Girard, M., Durocher-Corfa, L., & Danis, E. (2022). PROTOCOL: Hate online and in traditional media: A systematic review of the evidence for associations or impacts on individuals, audiences and communities. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18(2), Article e1245. |
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Vacheret, M., Quirion, B., Boucher, P., Wylde, C., Plourde, C., & Rouleau, A. M. (2022). Les initiatives de prise en charge adaptée des Premières Nations et Inuit judiciarisés au Canada. Quelques pistes de réflexion. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique, (1), 54-72. |
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