This collection of expert academic articles aims to investigate how conflict prevention and resolution methods should more effectively support the global justice movement not only at an international level, but also at extractive industry sites in the four corners of the world. By understanding how many areas respond to concerns of social, cultural and environmental justice, the authors of several chapters of this collaborative book intend to pinpoint questions of fairness and redress in relation to “glocal” (i.e. global and local) governance.
A focus will be on cases involving Canadian extractive companies, as the country is home to more than 70% of the world’s largest mining corporations, with operations in Africa, Asia, South and Central America.
Manirabona, A. M. & Vega Cardenas, Y. (2019). Extractive Industries and Human Rights in an Era of Global Justice: New Ways of Resolving and Preventing Conflicts. Lexis-Nexis.
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