Foundations and Practice of Security

14th International Symposium, FPS 2021, Paris, France, December 7–10, 2021

The 14th International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS 2021) was hosted by IRT SystemX, Paris, France, from December 7 to December 10, 2021. FPS 2021 received 62 submissions from authors based in countries all over the world. Each paper was reviewed by at least two Program Committee members, and up to four in the case of divergent evaluations. The Program Committee selected 18 regular papers and ten short papers for presentation. The conference was held in a fully hybrid mode, with the efficient and full involvement of the IRT SystemX host. The agenda was rich and dense. The program included five in-person sessions, four virtual sessions, and a two-day workshop on Secure Digital Manufacturing. We had three excellent invited keynotes given by Huan Liu (Arizona State University), Solange Ghernaouti (Université de Lausanne), and Mark Hunyadi (Université catholique de Louvain). An additional cross-disciplinary international panel, addressing cybersecurity and privacy threats and challenges in artificial intelligence, completed the agenda with the participation of Karim Benyekhlef (Professor, Université de Montréal), Julien Chiaroni (Director of Grand Défi on “Trustworthy AI for Industry” at SGPI), Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (Professor, Sorbonne University), Vanessa Henri (Lawyer, Emerging Tech and Data Governance, Fasken), Claire Levallois-Barth (Associate Professor, Télécom Paris), and Félicien Vallet (AI Lead, CNIL). Several people contributed to the success of FPS 2021. First, we would like to thank all the authors who submitted their research results. The selection was a challenging task, and we sincerely thank all the Program Committee members, as well as the external reviewers, who volunteered to read and discuss the papers. We are very grateful to the General Chairs, Reda Yaich (Head of Cybersecurity and Networks, IRT SystemX) and Benoît Dupont (Professor, Université de Montréal), and the IRT SystemX team for their great efforts in organizing the logistics, both in person and online, during the symposium and for managing the conference website. Finally, we also want to express our gratitude to the Publication Chair, Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro (Professor, Télécom SudParis), for the huge endeavor to plan and edit the proceedings. Protecting the communication and data infrastructure of an increasingly interconnected world has become vital to the normal functioning of all aspects of our world. Security has emerged as an important scientific discipline whose many multifaceted complexities deserve the attention and synergy of the mathematical, computer science, and engineering communities. The aim of FPS is to exchange theoretical and practical ideas that address privacy and security issues in interconnected systems. Special attention has been given this year to artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. We hope the papers in this proceedings volume will be valuable for your professional activities in this area.

Visiter la page de Benoît Dupont

Aïmeur, E., Laurent, M., Yaich, R., Dupont, B. & Garcia-Alfaro, J. (2022)  Foundations and Practice of Security : 14th International Symposium, FPS 2021, Paris, France, December 7–10, 2021, Springer.


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