This new title in the What Works in Offender Rehabilitation series of handbooks reviews and brings up to date the ‘What Works’ literature in sexual offender theory, assessment, rehabilitation, risk management, prevention and policy. By evaluating current assessment frameworks and intervention programmes, it not only discusses theory and treatment efficacy but provides professionals with an evidence-based approach to the management and rehabilitation of individuals who have sexually offended, and the prevention of sexual abuse perpetration. Empirical findings of treatment effectiveness are presented and discussed by renowned international researchers and clinicians from around the world. The conceptual and theoretical material is presented with a strong emphasis on how it should be translated into real-world policy and practice in order to reduce re-offending effectively.
Visiter la page de Franca CortoniProulx, J., Cortoni, F., Craig, L.A. & Letourneau, E. (2020). Handbook of What Works with Sexual Offenders. Contemporary Perspectives in Theory, Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention. Wiley-Blackwell
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