
A Canadian Perspective

Wemmers, J.-A. M. (2017). Victimology: A Canadian Perspective. University of Toronto Press (353 pages) www

Victimology is a relatively new and emerging interdisciplinary area that crosses the fields of criminology, law, sociology, and justice studies. This book, written by one of the world’s leading experts, is designed to offer a broad, interdisciplinary introduction to the subject. Unlike other texts that are organized around different types of victimology, this book is informed by a victim-centered approach that treats victims’ rights as human rights. Acknowledging the reality of poly-victimization (the idea that people often experience many different forms of victimization), Wemmers offers a more holistic way of understanding the subject matter, putting victims (not typologies) at the centre of the work.
Visiter la page de Jo-Anne Wemmers

Wemmers, J.-A. (2017). Victimology: A Canadian Perspective. University of Toronto Press. 


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