Studies have shown that victims of female sexual offenders suffer the same traumatic effects as victims of male offenders, but for a long time many professionals had difficulties accepting victims’ reports they suffered their abuse at the hand of a woman. As a consequence the problem of female sexual offending has been downplayed and understudied.
This book is the work of one of the world’s leading experts on sexual abuse by women. It is the product of years of study of the phenomenon and developing corresponding evidence-based assessment and treatment practices for this population. It is now well-established that, while female sexual offending may appear similar to that of their male counterparts, a gender-informed approach is required to fully understand the processes and factors specific to women.
Dr. Cortoni reviews what we currently know about women who engage in sexual offending behavior and provides best current practices for the assessment, treatment, and management of this population. The book is a must for anyone working in the field treating women who sexually offend.
Visiter la page de Franca CortoniCortoni, F. (2018). Women Who Sexually Abuse. Assessment, Treatment & Management. Safer Society Press.
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